Maximizing Acquisition and Retention Through Mobile Game Analytics

Maximizing Acquisition and Retention Through Mobile Game Analytics

Mobile game developers face the daunting task of acquiring and retaining players in today’s fast-paced mobile gaming world. But why? Well, there has been a significant increase in competition, providing players with more mobile gaming options than ever. Therefore, game developers have had to embrace modern tactics to succeed and continuously improve their game’s performance…

A Beginner’s Guide to Multiplayer Game Development

A Beginner’s Guide to Multiplayer Game Development

The gaming world has evolved significantly in recent times. Multiplayer games have taken center stage by allowing players to play with or against other gamers and friends across the globe. As a result, multiplayer games have revolutionized modern gaming, from human vs. computer to human vs. human interaction. Building multiplayer games can be rewarding and…

Navigating the Future of Gaming with Predictive Analytics

Navigating the Future of Gaming with Predictive Analytics

The gaming sector is booming, with many players logging in daily to immerse themselves in battles against other players online. However, as this industry evolves, it has become more data-driven over time, with developers monitoring everything from in-game purchases to playtime. The emergence of predictive analytics is taking the gaming world to a new level…

Top 10 most anticipated video games of 2024

Top 10 most anticipated video games of 2024

Introduction: In a world where pixels and polygons collide to create magic, we present to you our handpicked selection of the top 10 most anticipated video games of 2024. From cutting-edge graphics to immersive gameplay, join us as we unravel the veil of the future and unveil the game development wonders that await. Are you ready…

Hybrid-Casual Games: Everything you need to know

Hybrid-Casual Games: Everything you need to know

The video game sector has experienced significant growth in recent times. As more games emerge, new genres have been born to keep players more engaged. One of the latest introductions in the gaming world is hybrid-casual games, which combine elements of mid-core and hyper-casual games.   Perhaps most of you are aware of hyper-casual, casual, and…

Technology Advancements Impacting Esports Gaming 

Technology Advancements Impacting Esports Gaming 

Esports has taken the gaming world by storm in recent times. With lucrative tournaments and millions of fans globally, eSports gaming has become a flourishing sector that doesn’t show any signs of slowing down soon. According to Statista market forecasts, the eSports user base is expected to reach over 856 million by 2028. Behind this…

The Growing Use of Generative AI in Game Design

The Growing Use of Generative AI in Game Design

Generative artificial intelligence (AI) has become a buzzword across different sectors, including gaming. This growing use of generative AI is largely attributed to its advanced capabilities, including the ability to create unique content. Generative AI has experienced increasing usage in game design as it accelerates and streamlines different aspects of game development.  Generative AI in…

Why Choose iXie as Your Gaming Services Partner in 2024

Why Choose iXie as Your Gaming Services Partner in 2024

A significant paradigm shift in terms of game testing has been occurring in recent times. More and more organizations are outsourcing game-testing activities to vendors. This approach helps the in-house teams to focus more on developing games. By outsourcing game-testing activities to reputable testers, companies can achieve better quality games while ensuring game developers focus…