Why 70% of Developers Prefer Unity for Mobile Game Development 

Why 70% of Developers Prefer Unity for Mobile Game Development 

Mobile gaming has become popular in recent times thanks to the growing number of mobile device users. Several mobile game engines are used to create mobile games. However, Unity has stood out as one of the most preferred and trusted mobile game engines. A staggering 70% of the top Android and iOS developers use it…

How to get started with Unity Game Development – Tips & Tricks from iXie Experts

How to get started with Unity Game Development – Tips & Tricks from iXie Experts

Video games have become a prominent form of entertainment, deeply ingrained in pop culture, and have shed the previous stigma of being a time-wasting activity. Nowadays, gaming surpasses mainstream movies in terms of audience engagement, and popular game titles consistently generate substantial revenue. Unity, a widely adopted game engine, plays a pivotal role in empowering…

Game Prototype Development – Everything you need to know

Game Prototype Development – Everything you need to know

In game development, one of the most essential aspects is prototyping. In today’s world, game development is an art, and quite inarguably, it is one of the most complex and intricate art forms. Creating a game that is both consumer-friendly and hugely popular requires a perfect combination of technical skills and creative genius. It is…