5 Key Differences Between iOS And Android Mobile Game Testing 

5 Key Differences Between iOS And Android Mobile Game Testing 

Testing mobile games is crucial as it helps you release bug-free games, boosting the gaming experience. However, in the fast-evolving tech world, developers have had to build mobile games for different operating systems (OS), including iOS, Android, and Windows. However, Android and iOS are arguably the most popular mobile phone operating systems. But is testing…

The Present and Future of Automated Game Testing 

The Present and Future of Automated Game Testing 

The game development and testing industry has transformed significantly in recent times and is currently booming. Its global market is expected to surpass USD 200 billion by the end of 2023. With these statistics, it’s evident that more growth is expected in the industry over time. Also, the companies in this sector are expected to…

10 Worst Video Game Glitches to Test Before Launching Your Next Game

10 Worst Video Game Glitches to Test Before Launching Your Next Game

As video games get bigger and better, so do the errors and glitches. Regardless of how many hours your game development team spends polishing the video game, some technical glitches are bound to occur. Unlike typical glitches that may require a reset or interrupt tasks, the worst glitches can cause significant problems and may not…

6 Best Console Game Testing Practices to Wow Your Players

6 Best Console Game Testing Practices to Wow Your Players

Testing console games is crucial in ensuring your game functions as intended before releasing it to the audience. While there’s no one-size-fits-all approach for testing your console game, several best practices can help you test your console game thoroughly. Careful consideration is necessary to ensure every aspect of your game is tested. But why is…

What Is Functionality Testing and Why Is it Crucial for the Success of Your Game? 

What Is Functionality Testing and Why Is it Crucial for the Success of Your Game? 

The process of developing a game doesn’t end with coding and design. Testing the end product is crucial to ensure it delivers a seamless user experience (UX) and meets the industry requirements & standards. Several testing techniques are used to test the game’s readiness for release. Also, developers can use the testing to minimize bugs…

Gameplay Testing: What Is It and How Does It Work? 

Gameplay Testing: What Is It and How Does It Work? 

Testing your game before releasing it to the public is crucial. It helps you identify, document, and mitigate defects and bugs in your video game. This improves the game’s overall performance, stability, and security. Also, game testing increases the chances of your game’s success.   Gameplay testing is a crucial part of game QA. It is…

Device-Based Compatibility Testing Solutions to Look for in Your Game QA Partner 

Device-Based Compatibility Testing Solutions to Look for in Your Game QA Partner 

Testing your game before releasing it to the public is crucial. It helps you identify and fix issues to ensure the game runs smoothly, delivering a seamless user experience (UX). Device-based compatibility testing is one of the testing approaches adopted by testers to check if the game runs effectively across different devices, platforms, and configurations.  …

9 Popular Video Game Testing Tools in the Market to Level Up Your Game QA 

9 Popular Video Game Testing Tools in the Market to Level Up Your Game QA 

The last thing you need is to release a faulty or error-prone video game to players. Players will not like it and may create a negative impression of your video game due to the poor gameplay experience. Therefore, as a developer, you must thoroughly test your video game to ensure it works as expected and…

iXie’s approach to achieving 100% first-submission pass on all platforms 

iXie’s approach to achieving 100% first-submission pass on all platforms 

Legendary developer and Industry Icon Shigeru Miyamoto once said, “A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad.” This statement stood true for a long time in the industry, no doubt. But the games of today are a different beast. A rushed game can eventually be patched and turned into beautiful…

2D Game Automation using Airtest

2D Game Automation using Airtest

Introduction: Software testing must include image-based testing, which is essential for examining the visual components and user interface of an application or system. It is important in several areas, including game testing. To give players an immersive gaming experience, games mainly rely on engaging graphics, animations, and visual effects. To ensure visual quality, consistency across…