How to Measure Your Game Performance with Analytics 

How to Measure Your Game Performance with Analytics 

In recent years, big players in the gaming sector like Microsoft, have recognized the significance of data analytics. As a result, they have begun purchasing firms that give access to player data.  Also, smaller developers are trying to stay up with the data science and marketing aspect which is prevalent in major corporations.  According to…

Top Reasons You Should Outsource Game Localization 

Top Reasons You Should Outsource Game Localization 

As you might have already heard, there are only a handful of the most well-known game localization companies in the market. And even some of them have recently been expanding their service areas or increasing their number of clients with new products which require localization support. If you’re looking to release your next game and…

Game Art Studio: The Future of Game Development?

Game Art Studio: The Future of Game Development?

Games are more than just a diversion. They are an interactive form of entertainment that can be enjoyed from beginning to end in a short time. However, developing games has become very time-consuming and expensive. This is why game art studios have emerged over the past decade. Instead of working on the next big blockbuster…

How to Make Your Games More Popular: Game Analytics for Beginners

How to Make Your Games More Popular: Game Analytics for Beginners

Game analytics has a real-life impact on game players. Learn the basics of game analytics through this article by seeing how to make your games more popular by implementing these insights. If you are a game developer starting your journey into the world of games, then it’s essential to understand how to make your games…

Mobile Gaming: 6 Trends to Watch Out in 2018

Mobile Gaming: 6 Trends to Watch Out in 2018

While the gaming market continues to see its ups and downs, mobile gaming developers are benefiting from the ubiquitous device that has made it an increasingly popular platform for playing games. In a self-fulfilling cycle, advanced mobile technology has spurred technological developments in gaming apps, which has further enhanced mobile capabilities. Mobile gaming has come…

A Spotlight on AR/VR – Imagination beyond a Screen

A Spotlight on AR/VR – Imagination beyond a Screen

Augmented/Virtual Reality revenue forecast revised to hit $120 billion by 2020 What is Augmented Reality? Augmented reality is a combination of digital information that is connected to the users in real time. AR collects the information of the environment and overlays new information on top of it. It helps the user to place life-size 3D…